Open Access

Table 2

Wavelengths and FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of maximum emission bands for compounds 1–3 in the solid state (crystalline form, amorphous form, and after grinding).

Compound 1 2 2’ 3 3’
λexc (nm) 355 365 365 365 365
λmax (nm) cr 385 446 462 584 581
FWHM (cm−1) / FWHM (nm) cr 1320 / 19 2831 / 59 2011 / 70
λmax (nm) gr - 442 478* 589 602*
FWHM (cm−1) / FWHM (nm) gr 2644 / 53 2046 /73
λmax (nm) am ** 467 - 611 -
FWHM (cm−1) / FWHM (nm) am ** 3376 / 76 2248 / 90

*Identified as amorphous after grinding [10]. **Obtention of a crystalline form. - Not performed (due to fast recrystallization) cr: crystalline; gr: grinded; am: amorphous. 2’ and 3’ are references from literature [10].

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